
Contact Us

If you would like more information about the creation of beginning web pages for your business, school, organization, hobby, or special interest, please fill out and submit this form. dragonPages will give you an idea of what we can do for you, and try to answer any questions you might have. There is no cost or obligation. Or, you can simply email us at dragonpages@bludragon.net.

Privacy notice: dragonPages is not affiliated with any other commercial organization, and will never use your email address or other personal information for any other purpose or distribute it to other groups.


E-mail address*
1. I would like information for my: [Check all that apply]
  Small business
School District
School building
Classroom or project
Professional Organization
Hobby or interest
2. Who do you want to write your page?
Sometimes things are easier if someone helps you get started, then you can take it from there. But sometimes people prefer to let someone else take care of all of the 'technical stuff' completely.
  Learn to write my own
Have someone write them for me
Not sure
3. Do you have a 'web host'? [space online to put your pages]
What's a web host?
4. Have you ever used a program that writes web pages? If so, which one?

5. Would you like additional information about
  Domain Registration
Site Hosting
6. If you have specific questions or comments, please enter them here.

Please send me a general price list
So I can find out if your idea of 'inexpensive' and mine are the same...

When the form is complete, click on SUBMIT.

If you are unable to use the above form, you may email us at dragonpages@bludragon.net. Include any questions you may have about getting a website started. We will respond by email with information or answers to specific questions as soon as possible.

If you would prefer contact by phone or snail mail, just let us know; we will write or phone. (be sure to include address and/or phone #) Thank you for contacting us.